The Gandhian Society video competition is presenting a grand prize of USD 6000 to the winner, along with 52 additional prizes. Furthermore, special prizes exist for individuals collaborating with institutions or working independently.


The Gandhiji Video World Wide Competition seeks to honor the enduring legacy of Mahatma Gandhi by inviting participants from across the globe to create impactful and thought-provoking videos that showcase his teachings, principles, and contributions to humanity. This competition provides a unique platform for promoting Gandhian values such as non-violence, peace, truth, and social justice through the transformative medium of visual storytelling. By encouraging meaningful engagement with Gandhi’s rich philosophy, the competition aspires to ignite global conversations that inspire lasting peace and harmony.


Capturing Gandhiji’s values legacy and impact

This competition is an invitation to embark on a profound journey into the life and spirit of Mahatma Gandhi—an opportunity to uncover the essence of a man whose ideals reshaped the world. Participants are encouraged to delve into the many facets of Gandhi’s legacy, from his courageous struggles and historic achievements to his lasting influence on millions today.

Explore the lessons of non-violence and peacebuilding that he so passionately advocated, or reflect on his steadfast commitment to truth and integrity. Examine his vision of social justice and equality, alongside his call for sustainable living, which resonates powerfully in today’s world. Investigate his efforts to uplift marginalized communities, his leadership and activism that ignited movements for change, and his deep belief in education as a means to personal and societal transformation. Celebrate his work towards interfaith harmony and religious tolerance—messages that remain as crucial now as ever.

Suggested sub-topics for participants include, but are not limited to:

  • Non-violence and peacebuilding
  • Truth and integrity
  • Social justice and equality
  • Sustainable living and environmental consciousness
  • Empowerment of marginalized communities
  • Leadership and activism
  • Education and self-improvement
  • Interfaith harmony and religious tolerance
  • Gandhi’s impact on my life

Submission Guidelines

  • Platform for Submission: Participants must upload their video entries to their own YouTube channel and at least one other social media platform (such as Instagram, Facebook, or X). YouTube will serve as the primary submission link, and additional social media links must be provided to boost engagement.
  • Registration Requirement: All participants must register on the official competition website before submitting their video. This is necessary to track and validate entries.
  • Entry Limit: Each participant is allowed to submit only one video.
  • Original Content: Videos must be original and must not infringe upon any copyrights. If you use music or other multimedia elements, ensure they are either non-copyrighted or original content.
  • Introduction: At the start of the video, introduce yourself by providing your name, age, and location.
  • Description and Citations: Each submission must be accompanied by a brief written description outlining the concept, inspiration, and key message of the video. This information will be requested on the submission page. Additionally, if any external content is used, participants are required to provide accurate credits and citations.
  • Language: Videos should be in either English or Hindi.
  • Duration: The video should be between 5 to 7 minutes long.
  • Visibility and Creativity: Participants must appear on screen for at least 75% of the video. Feel free to use your creativity for the remaining portions to enhance your message through visuals, graphics, or other creative techniques. Innovative and fresh ideas are highly encouraged!
  • Video Quality: While videos recorded on any device are accepted, ensure that both the audio and video quality are clear, with sufficient lighting to enhance visibility.
  • Age Limit: There are no age restrictions—people of all ages are welcome to participate.
  • Engagement: The more engagement (likes, comments, shares) your video generates, the better your chances in the competition. Share your video widely across social media to maximize its reach.


Tips for Participants

  • Do your research: Read books or watch documentaries on the life of Mahatma Gandhi and other global peace builders to gain deeper insights.
  • Plan your content: Write a well-structured script for your video to ensure clarity and flow.
  • Be concise and authentic: Time your script and speak from the heart, allowing your message to be both impactful and genuine.
  • Optimize your video setting (not Compulsary ): Shoot your video during daylight hours for better lighting, and use landscape mode for a professional appearance.
  • Minimize distractions: Choose a quiet location to reduce background noise and ensure both the visual and audio quality are clear.
  • Seek feedback: Review your video with peers and local organizers before posting to refine its quality and effectiveness.
  • Engage your audience: Involve people and communities by sharing your video and encouraging conversations around the topic.
  • Stay committed: Write regularly on the subject to maintain momentum and continue learning throughout the process.


Invitation to collaborate

We warmly invite individuals, organizations, educational institutions, and government bodies to collaborate with us on an exciting initiative aimed at engaging youth and promoting Gandhian values of peace and brotherhood. This project presents a remarkable opportunity to connect with schools in small towns and rural areas across India, fostering a strong bond with Gandhian principles.

We seek partnerships with National Gandhian Institutes, NGOs, influencers, and others to help amplify the message in larger cities. The program will feature public debates, video competitions, and reading events, all designed to inspire young people to delve into Gandhi’s teachings.

Collaborations with technical teams will provide video production support, while local libraries can host reading and recitation competitions. We will also work with Khadi workers, documentarians, universities, and other institutions, both nationally and internationally, to promote peace and encourage meaningful dialogue. All participating institutions and organizations will receive certificates of appreciation for their valuable contributions.

If your institution—be it a school, college, or organization—would like to collaborate with us, please reach out at We are open to partnering with individuals, private organizations, and government bodies alike to further this cause.


Judging Criteria:

Entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Creativity, originality, and speech clarity (10-50 points): Clarity of message, delivery, and emotional impact.
  2. Connecting Gandhi to other leaders: Connections to historical and contemporary figures who embody similar values, not just leaders. Special Award points for thoughtful comparisons and analysis of shared ideologies, not just superficial mentions.
  3. Technical proficiency (1-10 points)
  4. Future of Gandhian ideology (1-10 points)
  5. Knowledge of Gandhian philosophy (1-10 points)

Organic engagement (5-10 points) : Ask your relatives and friends to share. Award bonus points for unique engagement metrics like comments, discussions, and shares demonstrating deeper engagement beyond views and likes.